Publications and Events

Muja Law is now part of Lawback!

We are proud to announce that Muja Law is now part of Lawback, the leading international legal service platform in China, providing convenient, efficient and affordable legal services for Chinese outbound enterprises in areas such as international investment, international trade, litigation, arbitration, intellectual property, corporate, etc.

We at Muja Law remain committed to working hard for the success of our clients and in providing excellence in legal service.

Group's web page link:

Group's LinkedIn link:

Looking forward to a successful collaboration with Lawback.

Articoli suggeriti

+355 69 28 28 562 [email protected]
Rr. “Ibrahim Tukiqi”, Nr.2, 1057, Tirana, Albania Lunedì - Venerdì: 9:00 a 18:00

Scriveteci vostre domande e i nostri consulenti legali vi contatteranno al più presto

La vostra richiesta è stata inviata con successo. Vi risponderemo al più presto possibile.